Thursday, 24 April 2008

Blogging in Tunbridge Wells

If you enjoy blogs of any sort you should check out Technorati. It's a bloggers search engine. I've got my favourite blogs and I decided to see if I was missing out on any from Tunbridge Wells.

A search on Tunbridge Wells turns up all sorts of things but for me there are three standout blogs, all of which I already knew as it happens, but I'll keep checking to see what else pops up.

Anke Royal Tunbridge Wells is probably the purest 'Tunbridge Wells' blog out there with snapshots of life in town posted on a regular basis. While you're there make sure you click on the 'Eat here' link for Anke's reviews of many local restaurants.

Street photography in Tunbridge Wells is my second choice. Turn up, dive in and set aside a couple of hours to really make the most of this wonderful blog. Great photos. I know I recognised a fair few people there. How about you?

Three beautiful things is written by Clare Grant who in her own words blogs every day to, 'record three things that have given me pleasure'. It's a great concept and a lovely blog. She's also behind Tunbridge Wells tells which greets its readers with, 'Tunbridge Wells has packed the last 400 years with eccentrics and colourful happenings ably recorded by newspapers, novels and diaries. What better way to celebrate 400 years than writing a 400-word account about living, working and playing in the town?'. The blog is a series of short essays by various people giving snapshots of life in Tunbridge Wells. Go and have a look.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Bruce. I'll stick one up for you too ;-)

Perhaps you could share some of your take on Tunbridge Wells, in pictures and words? Pictures mostly ;-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for that. I appreciate it.

Tunbridge Wells in words and pictures? That's your area! ;)

I'm trying to find a balance between posting for clients (later) and a little bit of information but it's really hard to inform without boring! It can be a dry subject unless you love photography. We'll see how it goes.